Katsu curry is just a variation of Japanese curry with a chicken cutlet on top. I have used a store-bought block of Japanese curry roux which is commonly used in Chicken Cutlet (Japanese version of chicken schnitzel) brings the Japanese curry up to the next level. Katsu Curry (カツカレー) is a combination of Japanese Curry and a panko-breaded cutlet.
JOC always prefers adding katsu on top.
He just loves the crunchy texture of katsu mixed with the flavorful.
Make chicken katsu curry from scratch with japancentre.com's katsu curry recipe.
Kamu bisa membuat Chicken katsu japanese curry menggunakan 23 bahan dan 5 langkah. Begini cara memasaknya.
Bahan-bahan buat Chicken katsu japanese curry
- Siapkan Ayam (direbus dg jahe digeprek supaya tidak bau amis).
- Siapkan Tepung terigu.
- Anda butuh Tepung bumbu sasa/sajiku.
- Siapkan Telur.
- Siapkan Tepung roti/panir.
- Anda butuh Bumbu curry;.
- Siapkan Wortel.
- Kamu butuh Kentang.
- Siapkan Bumbu Halus;.
- Siapkan 6 bawang merah.
- Siapkan 3 bawang putih.
- Kamu butuh Sedikit jinten.
- Siapkan 3 cengkeh.
- Siapkan 1 potongan kecil pala.
- Siapkan 1 sdt ketumbar.
- Siapkan Bumbu pelengkap ;.
- Bunda butuh Saus tiram.
- Siapkan Kecap.
- Anda butuh Merica bubuk.
- Kamu butuh 1 sdm Tepung terigu dikasih air sedkit dan aduk.
- Anda butuh secukupnya Air.
- Siapkan Kaldu jamur.
- Siapkan Garam dan gula.
Gizzi's back with a really tasty Japanese curry recipe. So easy to make this mild flavoured dish will impress your friends as well. Strain curry sauce through a sieve, a little bit at a time. Slice the chicken into lengths and plate up next to the rice. Add salad, or wok-fried greens to the plate alongside, then drench in curry sauce. Juicy, crispy fried chicken thighs sliced and served with homemade Japanese curry, this Chicken Katsu Curry Recipe is on the table in under an hour and incredibly delicious!
Instruksi untuk buat Chicken katsu japanese curry
- Ayam di potong sesuai selera tipis saja kemudian lumuri ke telur celupkan ke tepung sajiku, tepung terigu lumuri lagi ketelur dan terakhir celupkan ke tepung roti dan goreng sampai kecoklatan.
- Untuk bumbu currynya, tumis bumbu halus sampai harum beri air agak banyak kalu saya, kemudian masukkan kentang dan wortel.
- Masukkan bahan pelengkap (merica bubuk,saus tiram,kecap, kaldu jamur, garam gula).
- Cek apakh sudah empuk dan tes rasa terakhir masukan tepung terigu yg sudah diencerkan td sampe mendidih.
- Siap untuk dihidangkan dan dicampur ayam tepung td 🥰.
This easy recipe for Japanese Chicken Curry is a healthier take on fried Chicken Katsu Curry. Impress your friends and family with this This dish is loaded with tender chunks of chicken, carrots, and potatoes in a rich savory curry sauce. I'm telling you, if you are a fan of curry, you have to try this!
This is my version of the delicious Japanese katsu curry that they serve at Wagamama. Unlike other curry recipes, Japanese katsu uses fried breaded chicken, giving it a satisfyingly crunchy texture combined with a sweet punchy sauce. This Japanese recipe is easy to master and uses curry powder packed with turmeric, cardamom, cumin seeds, and much more, to give delicious spice. When you say Japanese cuisine, most people will think of sushi or ramen.
Gampang sekali kan bikin Chicken katsu japanese curry ini? Selamat mencoba.